History of AI

Meet Shakey, the First Robot that Could Think

The Father of Mobile Intelligent Robots


Shakey, developed in the 1960s, holds the title of the first general-purpose mobile robot to reason about its own actions.

A Layered Control System


Shakey's groundbreaking control software was structured in layers, separating physical actions from planning and error recovery.

Pioneering Algorithms


Shakey utilized cutting-edge algorithms like the A* search laying the groundwork for future robotics advancements.

More than Pre-programmed Moves


Unlike previous robots requiring precise instructions, Shakey could analyze commands and break them down into smaller actions.

Seeing the World


Shakey used television cameras to perceive its environment, a significant step towards robots interacting with the real world.

A Platform for Innovation


Shakey served as a powerful platform for researchers to explore concepts like mobile manipulation, navigation, and sensor integration.

Beyond the Lab


Shakey even ventured outside the controlled lab environment, demonstrating its capabilities in real-world settings.

A Stepping Stone for the Future


Shakey's groundbreaking achievements inspired a generation of robotics researchers and paved the way for more advanced robots.

An Inspiration for AI Development


Shakey's ability to reason and plan its actions also influenced the development of artificial intelligence (AI).

A Legacy of Innovation


Today, Shakey stands as a historical landmark in robotics, a reminder of the continuous evolution and potential of this field.